“Just In Case” Inventory

“Just In Case” Inventory

One issue that older hospitals face with surgical instrument inventory is that inventory gets managed on a “Just in Case” basis, rather than “Just in Time”. i.e. A hospital starts carrying more inventory than required, just in case the surgeon demands or just in case...
What gets measured, gets managed!

What gets measured, gets managed!

One way to achieve cost savings in the CSSD department is to reduce wasted cycle of costs, not just in terms of human labour, but also material costs including packing material, indicators, utilities such as water, electricity, etc. These costs could amount to...

What’s New In Pivot Smartflow V3.0?

Pivot Smartflow does more than tracking instrument inventory. Our new improved Sterilisation Station can now help you track all your sterilisation cycles – including Bowie Dick Cycles that you run everyday. Gone are the days when you had to staple your cycle log...